The ?better people? fallacy Business Articles | July 27 Jose Sosa AC Milan Jersey , 2005 Marketing and management think that better people on their side than on the competitor side is their biggest weapon. But Al Ries emphasis on the point of superiority of number in any battle of war or marketing Author is agree with Al Ries and describe how.
It?s easy enough to convince your own staff that better people will prevail, even against the odds. It?s what they want to hear. And surely in a marketing war quality is a factor as well as quantity.
It is, but superiority of force is such an overwhelming advantage that it overcomes most quality differences.
We have no doubt that the poorest team in the National Football League could consistently beat the best team in the NFL if it could field 12 men against the opposition?s 11.
In business, where the teams are much larger Jose Mauri AC Milan Jersey , your ability to amass a quality difference is much more difficult.
The clear-thinking marketing manager won?t confuse the pep talk at a sales rally with the reality of the marketing area. A good general never makes military strategy based on having better personnel. Nor should a marketing general. (?Our army,? said Wellington ?is composed of the scum of the earth, the mere scum of the earth.?)Obviously you?d be in deep trouble inside your company if you used Wellington?s words to describe your own army. Tell your people how terrific they are, but don?t plan on winning the battle with superior personnel.
Count on winning the battle with a superior strategy. Yet many companies cling deeply to the better people strategy. They?re convinced they can recruit and hire substantially better training programs can help them keep their ?people? edge.
Any student of statistics would laugh at this belief. Sure Ignazio Abate AC Milan Jersey , it?s possible to put together a small cadre of superior people. But the larger the company, the more likely the average employee will be average.
And when it comes to the mega companies, the possibility of assembling an intellectually superior team becomes statistically almost zero.
At last count, IBM had 369 Hakan Calhanoglu AC Milan Jersey ,545 employees, a number which is growing rapidly. On a one-to-one basic, there may be more white shirts at IBM but not more gray matter.
IBM is winning the computer war the Eisenhower way. Where the competition has 2, IBM has 4. Where the competition has 4 Gustavo Gomez AC Milan Jersey , IBM has 8.
During puberty the growth of various body parts happens in various stages and sometimes, the development accelerates directly from stage 1 to stage 5. This can happen due to excess fat in body, increase in weight, poor self-esteem Giovanni Crociata AC Milan Jersey , eating disorders and various lifestyle factors. The increasing use of chemicals in foods and in environment can also trigger the release of chemicals from human endocrine system to cause development too early which leads to inappropriate growth. In U.S., it was observed that 10 percent of white seven-year old girls were entering the changes of puberty.
Entering puberty early means the girls are exposed to estrogen which can be dangerous in their body at a higher levels and this estrogen can be formed in the body due to exposure to chemicals e.g. phthalates in cosmetics and plastics, excess fat, pesticides Gianluigi Donnarumma AC Milan Jersey , food chemicals etc. The premature flow of estrogen leads to changes in body which can cause poor development and as grown-ups the girls may suffer from anxieties due to inadequate development. Though certain natural products offer ways to improve physical structure and increase size of busts even at later stages. These can be adopted by women who suffered from underdevelopment during puberty.
These days a number of studies state that the human endocrine system is widely affected by exposure to chemicals in plastics and evidences show active exposure during pregnancy can harm children and fetuses. The increase in toxicity in everyday items and certain chemicals in foods such as meat can increase the risk of early puberty and inappropriate growth in girls. Meat is believed to be one of the foods that can easily wreak the delicate endocrine flow in a child.
Similarly, milk produced by various engineered methods and the use of soy in foods can be damaging at early stages of puberty to girls as it is very high in estrogens and many pregnant women are advised to avoid non fermented soy foods to prevent damage. The exposure can cause thyroids imbalance which causes lactation failure in mothers and they are unable to produce adequate milk for infant. Natural brands of cosmetics and toiletries should be used to prevent damage to endocrines. Women suffering from poor developmental issues can take ayurvedic breast enlargement remedies to increase size of busts, especially if they suffer from psychological issues due to poor development.
Widely spaced busts, asymmetry Gianluca Lapadula AC Milan Jersey , strength marks on the organ without development and tubular structure (which are basically empty sacs), are some conditions where the busts are not properly developed. Ayurvedic breast enlargement remedies Big B-36 capsules contain ingredients of plants such as Acacia Nilotica or babula and Gmelina arborea to increase size of busts as these plants are equipped with bio-compounds to enrich the smaller tiny tissues of busts and promote the development of tissues in the organ for its growth. These plant extracts can regulate imbalance of the endocrines and are widely used in everyday hygiene products to alleviate the condition of fat depositions in unwanted body organs and to get rid of burning sensation and pain. It also helps in curing internal ulcers and improves blood conditions.